This blog is really about yesterday... I would of written then but, life gets busy.
Talk Around NYC- Well Wednesdays are when it seems like all the New Yorkers around me put their trash out, so as the day goes on, you see more and more people walking around with really random things. I know that these New Yorkers aren't actually talking to me, but I'm sure they are talking somewhere about all of the crazy free stuff they found in the garbage.
My Day- Started off average...THEN...I was walking down 12th St. and ran into my aunt, just think of that, in the middle of Manhattan and running into someone you know. I'm serious, it wasn't planned or anything! Being from Philly I was use to the feeling, but I haven't felt it in quite some time and it was AmazinG! And even better, running into family (rather then some random other person you know) means free lunch! Yay! Well, I would actually be lying to say that the free lunch was better than just seeing her, but it was definitely a bonus.
Class was nice, we did peer reviews of our papers...and I have to say that I still haven't looked over what my classmate has written (I guess maybe I'm a little nervous, not really of her bashing it, but that I was to hard on hers).
The day gets better...
7 PM- I went to a basketball game that my roommate was playing in. We won!
8:30- The game was over and I convinced my roommate (suite-mate actually) and two of our friends (guys) to go to FREE yoga with me! My first time at yoga, and let me tell you! My body was killing me this morning, but it was sensational, the yoga that is.
9- The four of us just made it to "Yoga for the People" 9 O'clock class, awkwardly found spots for our mats and started the grueling stretches. After the hour long class, i truthfully felt so at peace. Also I felt taller and focused (on what I don't know). --- I am warning family and friends now: If you visit me I am dragging you to free yoga, there's no excuse you can come up with that will work!
10:20- Walking relaxed and tall down 3rd Ave. and we all go get frozen yogurt (FROYO!) ---- Warning #2- If you come and visit me, we are getting Froyo! Mmmmmm
10:50- Just as we get back in the dorm "C" comes in and tells us we have to go back outside now, because there's amazing garbage bags full of clothing outside of the thrift store on our block.
11- 12:30- Free Clothes! Haha, most of it was nothing, but today I actually wore a pair of pants that I found and washed last night (I'll picture later I'm sure...)
When we finally got back to the dorm for good, and I took a shower, I seriously couldn't stop smiling! All alone in the shower, I felt like I couldn't smile big enough, so I ended up smiling with my mouth open, just to try to smile bigger. I laughed to myself, and listened to my new friends sitting in our little kitchen.... This was what I have been waiting for my entire life.
Last week after my melt down my week actually got a lot better. I called my mom later in the week (Thursday I think) and I was telling her about my dream. It was about my boyfriend, which made sense because he was coming to visit on Friday and I was soooooo excited. But in my dream I was mad at him. Anyways the dream isn't really what was important, it was more how I felt in the dream. I felt really overwhelmed, stressed, but in a positive way.
Its really hard to explain because when you think of those words, stressed and overwhelmed, they are pretty opposite from anything positive. But I was happy stressed, I was overwhelmed with how happy I was....If that makes any sense.
Well, I think I've been waiting to feel that way for a long long long time.
I'm writing to much, sorry.
Wearing- (I was going to sleep) My boyfriends t-shirt (priceless!), my grandmothers pajama pants (also priceless), slippers (from Guatemala, ?$? ), and bracelets of course =]
--- Overwhelmed with happiness, its possible??? ---
Hello My Name Is: Placid (thanks yoga)