Thursday, September 17, 2009

Divvy It Up! [Mommy Visited]

Convo around NYC- Swine Flu, 3 words, WASH YOUR HANDS! Which somehow I've been doing and of course am sick, blowing my nose everything four minutes. Sore throat, runny nose, cough, no fever yet... its bound to come.

Now- I'm sitting in bed, the air is freezing, BUT! --- I made a dorm room divider a couple of hours ago and besides the blisters from putting multiple screws into the wall without a screw driver, its like a whole new world in here! Thank God.
...So basically, I havent really slept in the past week... My roommate, C, is one of those crazy Parsons students: tons of homework! Last night as I was sniffling my way to partial sleep at 2 AM in the morning, I had a epiphany, "I need a room divider!" Well the idea started off as a canopy, but the fabrics on those things don't really block much light, and I decided if I tried to put a heavier fabric I would end up suffocating myself (not a great plan). Then I thought of a room divider, I mean how hard could it be? Get a couple of screws, some wire, some fabric, my roommate has a sewing machine and there we go, my late nights of being kept up by lights woud come to a end (hopefully). My mother came to my dorm around 2 PM, on buisnes in NYC, and after going through some general dorm room complaints, I told her my plan. Then my father was called, who kind of trashed the idea (I love you daddy), and said it would just give my roommate the idea that she wouldnt have to be as quite...I still had strong belief... So my mother and I went to Kmart, to the hardware store, the fabric store, back to Kmart, realized she then had to go to catch her train and I was left on my own to assemble my concoction.

& I hate to say I told you so, but as we speak (or write/read) I have a gorgeous purple black iridescent taffeta room divider, and it is currently blocking light from the other side of the room =]

Fashion- Luckily I ravaged the racks of Salvation Army earlier this week and was able to convince my suite mate to squeeze my purchases into her laundry (thank-you), otherwise with my current state of being sick this section would be rather boring. But since I got dressed today, Wearing: stripped v-neck shirt (buffalo exchange $ cheap), blue jacket ($10! Sal Arm), tights (2 for $20 express), boots (on sale at UO).

So, I'm off to sleep, but would like to leave off with this thought from class today (Class = Utopian Imagination) --- I struggle with the ideas of utopias in general, how can people say they have made a utopia when it is obvious that the world around them is struggling? And to me it more seems like an escape mechanism...but, what's your idea of a Utopia?


Hello My Name Is: Sick (Jocelyn)

1 comment:

    normally id blame it on u but being that the only connection we hav had is skype i wuld b stupid to say its ur fault lol

    ur utopia idea is such an urban kid thing to say i love u and totally argree. until its a utopia everywhere you are jus on vacation


    ps i still cant log in idk wtf is worng lol
