Friday, December 11, 2009

Broken Phones & Window Shopping

[old photo]

Listening to Kid Cudi (/ iTunes on shuffel) * if I die today the last thing you remember won't be about some apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur * - Cudi

Broke my phone this week... Not so nice, but what can you do.
I actually broke it when I tripped and fell walking around NYC, my first trip in The City. Tripping is actually a huge fear of mine... self conscious thing I guess... It wasn't a bad trip, my phone was in my hand and I caught myself with that hand and broke the screen.
I never laugh at people when they trip.

I was showing my best friend around The City and we were window shopping down Broadway in SoHo, I decided that over my [longer than a] month brake I am going to do some designing. As you may already know I am a strong supporter of thrift stores, especially the Salvation Army at my corner! Who can not like getting D&G, Armani, vintage Neiman Marcus, Hilfiger blazers and much much more all for no more then $10. So, over brake I'm going to DIY/alter some clothing I grab at cheap thrift stores and make it totally in style... Some things I want to recreate:

I'll just save up a little, head to some art/sewing supply stores, maybe order some studs from Studs And Spikes and get started.

Hello My Name Is: D.I.Y.

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