Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pissed Right Now. Listening To- Nothing...

The Talk Around NYC- Well at least in my neighborhood, it was that Clinique was giving free makeover, hairstyles, and pictures taken by profesional photographers. Sounded like fun so I went and stood in line for about a half an hour, got some free samples, found out that it was all to enter a Teen Vogue contest, did it anyway, and don't really like the pictures they took, but all in all it was alright.

Life-So, I'm pissed. I thought I was going to have a great day today...but truthfully I felt something in my stomach, that felt like it was telling me this day really wasn't going to be so great. I woke up regular time, and instead of class we had a simple tour of the library. Finished there and walked to Union Square to see how long the line was for the makeover, wasn't too bad and I didnt have much else to do so I did that. Then I walked to Kmart, wiped off the lipgloss the makeup artist put on me (too much for daytime) and returned these plastic containers that I bought yesterday and were broken! While at Kmart I bought my roommate a shelf so she could stop living out of a cardboard box (I asked her and she said she wanted it and would pay me back if I got it, so it wasnt sheer niceness). Walked back to the dorm with the shelf in a box that weighed a ton. I guess around here was were my day started to turn. My plan was to come right back to the dorm and work on things I hadnt finished yet, its now 9pm and I havent started yet.

I guess I'm just feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with people telling me their overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with things not working out how I want them to. Overwhelmed with wasting time.... I don't even know.

Ok, things were still going okay, I cleaned, ate, put up pictures on my wall. Then, I'm sitting at my desk and I look down at my extension cord and my lamps plug just flares (like a electrical shock) and then stops, and I try to turn it on and of corse its broken. Oh and my mail finally comes and the text book I've been waiting for and paid $50 for came and WASN'T a text book. It was some "Access Card", that I can do absolutely nothing with. It really sucks though, because the guy who sold it to me made it seem like it really was a textbook, so I wrote him a sobby email, hopefully it will work. Thats not all, "C" got home at 8:30 and told me she is actually going to make a shelf instead of buying one, so my pain was in vain after all.

A neighbor in my dorm, asked me what I did to anger the Gods today, I really dont know. But I'm sorry!

I think I'm on overload right now, which is ashame because I even went home this weekend...

I promise I wont have many posts complaining about my life, but I needed this one.


F**K....You have to be kidding me, as I'm just sitting here writing my blog my [new] mirror just fell off of my door and broke!!!!!!!!!! I'm not even lying right now.

Wearing: shirt w/ a lion on it (thrift store, originally Saks- $15), leggings ($10), black boots (same as before).......to angry to do this right now.

Hello My Name Is: F.M.L.! (Jocelyn)


  1. AWWW juicy!
    ur day is sucking and u never complain so im gonna pray for u....which we all kno is prolly worthless but its the thought that counts.

    if you are gonna replace ur mirror target has some for pretty cheap. I got my skinny mirror in philly from target.

    you cant b sad and grouchy bc then we jus got two bitches complainin to eachother which is counter productive. lol i love u and tomoro will hopefully b much better

  2. What a crummy day ... but I guess what I've discovered, is that if you really want to throw yourself fully into life and enjoy some truly amazing moments, life is also going to dish out some days that feel pretty awful (sometimes even almost impossible) ... lucky for you, you have a whole bunch of people who think you are pretty terrific and are happy to listen to the good times and bad times.

  3. aww jocelyn! everything will be ok! i'm sorry your luck turned out to be crummy today, but there's always tomorrow! and no worries about complaining on your blog...it IS your blog and there WILL be things to complain about. now you can return the shelf, and buy a nice new mirror instead! :-) good luck with everything! i miss you!
    <3 marian
