Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Conquering The City

Today I realized that I have succeeded in the [one of the many] impossible. I have created a community, my community in The City. The Big Bad City... NYC. In a matter of months I have created a norm in a city with little norm. I have found regulars in a city with few regulars. I found a pathway through thousands of streets. I am now at peace with this city.

When I came here at the very end of August I had no community. I had a school, with no one recognizable, I had streets to get lost in, with no familiarities, no regulars. It was enticing, but more than that it was terrifying! I wanted to run back to my norms. And in a way I did, every weekend, I ran back to Philly on the $20 roundtrip 'China Busses'.

Somehow I started to stay a couple weekends. I switched roommates and felt more at home. All of the parents kept saying "Don't worry, by the end of the winter brake you'll want to go back." I couldn't believe them. Now, although I am not sure I'll want to be running back to school work and a second semester, at least I'll have something to come back to.

I've made friends that may last a lifetime. I walk to class and recognize people; the security guards, the man who owns the stand (who gives me free food almost every day now) on the corner of my block, the doormen to a couple of apartment buildings, students that attend my college.

Wearing: Little Black Dress (H&M $ around 20), Black Sweater (H&M $10), Silver Microfiber Tights (Calvin Kein $12), Red Boots (Eternity Fashion $ around 70), Black G-Shock (online $ around 40).

Hello My Name Is: FINALS!!

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