Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3 am Drama! [Day 16]

Yes its 3 am right now, so I'm going to try to make this quick. I just got of of the longest phone call I've ever had with my boyfriend. First we were arguing over email for about an hour, which might I add is our only argument for the past 3 years of our relationship. Say what you want, we are officially working on it! I'm not writing to tell you our whole argument, let me just say I do feel amazing and rejuvenated right now though.

So, THE question came up. Yes, that question that you never actually realized how hard it was to answer. No, not do you love me. And no not the terrible question that follows that: Why do you love me?
The question:
What is the difference (REAL difference) between a friend and a boy/girl friend?
Think about it.
Okay so I can guess what your thinking right now.
A girl/boy friend is always there for you, you can tell them anything, they are a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk about anything with.
Yes this is true.
But is that not also a description of a best friend?
So the real question is- What's the difference between a BEST friend and girl/boy friend?

Can you answer that?!

Well I looked it up on Google and the obvious dumb and upsetting responses came up:
You see your boy/girl friend naked, you kiss, hold hands differently, cuddle and possibly have sex with your boy/girl friend.

That was upsetting to me, I didn't want that to be the only reason! And I was definitely stumped for a while.

But, I figured it out, at least for me.

Answer: The difference is that in a relationship with a boy/girl friend, there is a sense of working togetherness, but also a sense of equality, or trying to make things equal in a relationship. At least thats what's strived for, both people want love, happiness, pleasure and wouldn't it be amazing if it could be equal for both person. In a best friend relationship this is not established. Equality is not a necessity. Your best friend actually may not always be there, also your best friend may talk your ear off complaining on the phone for an hour about their day, but after not have the attention to listen to you complain for an equal time. In boy/girl friend relationship that time would be taken, and thats why those phone bills get so darn big.

Now best friends I'm not saying your not there for me! But, that is the difference!
& hey, who knows this could change. Hopefully it would be that equality gets established between friends and not the opposite.

Hello My Name Is: Epiphany!

1 comment:

  1. i love how you go from day 5 to day 16 lol

    i agree with you though. Besties do have your back and do love you, but the love between friends is not the same as love between a bf/gf.
    to me bf/gf implies some kind of passion. not necessarily sex but more of a fire between people than a friendship.

    bf/gf should be friends but its important to be more than friends that f&%k. if that is all the relationship can really be described as than it mite be time to bounce.

    equality+fire+communication=healthy relationship
