Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Roller-Coasters [Listening to the radio...for once]

Life has been getting brighter, even with the lack of sun in the sky. 
This explains the picture though. Summer 09'

Talk Around NYC: Everyone of course has some shit to say about the Phillies, and me being from Philly am always on the receiving end. But thats okay! Today is a pretty big game, we can do it!
I have PHAITH!

Life: Life is truly a roller-coaster. Feeling as low as you think you can feel one week seems to have no relation whatsoever on how you may feel the next. This can be good, but damn is it overwhelming. 
I've been in NYC for almost a straight two weeks and it will be at least three whole weeks before I can go back and visit Philly, three weeks I think will be the longest I've gone, I know I'm a baby. But hey all my connections are their.
I'm trying to make some new ones, and these past two weeks have helped.
I'm getting closer with some roommates, finding more out about others.
Going on roller-coasters of emotions, papers, food and shopping.

Speaking of shopping, I love the Salvation Army around the corner (YESS! Its a block away!) and they have yet to disappoint me.
I did my "only shopping for the month" today. Good finds:
Giorgio Armani tan blazer ($7.50!)
Nice Leather Flat Boots ($10.00)
Another Funky Coat ($10.00) - Mom don't kill me I only have a couple coats =]
Also a couple sweaters, a sweatshirt, a shirt and two belts.
Grand total = $50
Pretty Good

Other Stresses: Ugh! Long distance relationships. Didn't speak to him for literally a
week and were 100 miles apart, NOT OK. Called yesterday, argued. I actually spoke 
my mind, and feel like I really got across how I felt and I really believe he understood me. For us, which is slightly sad, this actually felt like a big step. We never argue, 
EVER! So I got to tell him about how I feel about that, and of course got jokingly 
accused "So what, you wish we fought more?"
But, you know what I mean, relationships grow from arguments.
Give us time.

Besides that, I've been trying to convince my best friend to stop messing around and
move to NYC and go to my college! *Cough*Cough*
I love you anyways though. And I do think Chi Town is good for you.

Hello My Name Is: Philliesssssss!!!!!


  1. This was a great read. I really like the way you've organized your approach to blogging. I can truly say that is ir original.

    I'm currently doing a long distance relationship (my boyfriend is in Boston) so I can definitely relate. I guess just don't always wait for him to call you, call him. I think my bf and I talk every single day.

  2. Hey!
    Thanks so much, that really means a lot.
    I just clicked to follow yours, it looks awesome.
    Follow me!

    Ughh, relationships are hard! Its been a lot better, good advice.
